FAQ type: Generelt

Hva er prosessen for å bli Confi.Care-distributør?

To become a Confi.care distributor, you need to fill out the distributor interest form available on our website. Once submitted, our team will review your application and contact you for further discussions. Successful applicants will receive training and support to…

Hva er Confi.care?

Confi.care – Ensuring Safety Through Smart MonitoringConfi.care is the technology platform behind the “Independent Living Service” that uses certified IoT devices to safeguard your loved ones in their home. By tracking daily activities through motion sensors, door/window sensors, and electrical…

Er Confi.care enkel å bruke for seniorer?

Independent Living Made Easy with Confi.careAs a senior, you don’t need to use the App yourself. Confi.care empowers you to live independently at home while providing peace of mind to your relatives and their caregivers, ensuring they know everything is…

Bruker Confi.care kameraer?

No, Confi.care does not use cameras. It is a nonintrusive service which relies on motion sensors, door/window sensors, and electrical consumption monitors to detect activity. This ensures safety and peace of mind while maintaining complete privacy, as no visual data…

Krever Confi.care en internettforbindelse?

No, an internet connection is not required for Confi.care to send alerts and enable real-time monitoring through the App. The system includes a built-in 4G GSM service that ensures connectivity. However, we recommend connecting the Gateway to WiFi or Ethernet…

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Confi.care Teamet